Vancouver Portrait Photography // Seymour

I will confess: I am writing this blog post ahead of time. Right now it’s late March 2020, and we are in the middle of the COVID-19 response. Shane and I have been social distancing for the past couple of weeks, and it’s definitely been an adjustment. One of the things we’ve done is move out of our own house, and into our in-laws’ place, while they are waiting this out in the Okanagan. This means much more space for us, but it also means I no longer get to spend time with Seymour, and I am definitely missing him a lot. So today, along with these photos I took of him, I want to share some of the things I love about my favourite fuzzy boy:

  1. He loves sitting on windowsills and looking out at the birds, especially if the window is open. One of his favourite windows faces the hummingbird feeder, and when he spots a hummingbird, his fur stands on end, and he makes this unexpected chattering noise. I think he really wishes he could eat those birds. 

  2. When he gets to the narrow part of the windowsill, he can no longer turn around, so he has to awkwardly back up until he reaches the wider part. I love that he has a goofy reverse mode. 

  3. I have never seen a cat that is this good at playing fetch. He’s got these little yellow rubber balls, and when he wants to play, he will bring the ball near you, and make little attention-getting meows until you throw the ball for him and he runs after it. Then he will trot back, carrying the ball in his mouth like a little puppy. 

  4. He is not the cuddliest cat, but he loves giving headbutts, especially in the morning, and especially when you are sitting on the toilet and he can reach your face from the nearby counter. 

  5. He is secretly a circus cat, and once in a while he will jump on top of an open door. Can you imagine that?! It is such a skinny surface and it is also wobbly. Then he tries to walk from there to the door frame. 

There are many more things, but I will save those for another day. In the meantime, enjoy these sunny kitty photos.