Vancouver Portrait Photography // Spring in Stanley Park with Daniel

Teenage portraits with Daniel shot on Vancouver’s Seawall // Vancouver Portrait Photography

My brother Daniel and I are 10 years apart, and these days it’s hard to find common ground. Gone are his preteen days where everything I did was the coolest, and he was all about my music and actually listened to my opinions on fashion. Now he is 16 and entirely too cool for me, so  I am glad that we have a shared love of photography to bond over.

I love when Daniel visits me downtown, it makes me happy to be able to show him my new neighbourhood, and it’s sometimes nice to spend some quality brother/sister time without the parents. On this day we decided to take a walk along the Seawall to scope out some good shoot locations, and came across this little bridge/tunnel connecting the main seawall to some of the forest trails. It didn’t look like much, but the way it helped light Daniel was awesome, and I love these shots of him, especially his facial expressions.

Teenagers change so quick, and I try and photograph Daniel as much as I can so I can remember him in all his different phases (I think at this point he may be starting to get close to a man bun). It’s probably a good time for your teenager to get some photos taken of them too, and maybe something a little more casual and authentic than the stuffy, rigid portraits they get done in school, so contact me to schedule a shoot.