Vancouver Portrait Photography // Christmas with the Olukas

I know it’s nowhere near Christmas, but I simply had to share these cozy holiday photos. The winter holidays can be such a hectic time, and there is so much to do and so many plans, but being at the Olukas’ and decorating the tree together felt like a much-needed breather. When I took the elevator up, walked down the carpeted hallway, and came to their door, I could already hear Owen on the other side yelling “Auntie Nadya!” Kids give pretty warm welcomes. 

In the middle of the living room stood a fluffy plastic tree, already all lit up with lights, just waiting to be decorated. The Olukas had a white tree theme going, with little pinecone and owl decorations, so once Kendra, Jade, and Jade’s boyfriend arrived, it was time to put them up. Surprisingly, a lot of them ended up on the bottom branch. I wonder why. (*hint*: it was Owen, he is not very tall). 

While we are on the subject, I want to take a minute and talk about Kendra. I haven’t photographed her yet, but I am sure one of these days we will get together and shoot. She has the most energy out of anyone I know. She works full-time, and yet somehow finds the energy to teach skating lessons and play hockey! She is always making plans, finding cool things to do, going on awesome trips,  and generally living her best life. During my bachelorette impromptu dance party, she totally killed it as the DJ, dashing back and forth from the party to her phone to cue up requests. You go Kendra. 

I met Kendra through Hannah, and the three of us have formed this little group of women who are so excited for each other, and interested in each others’ lives. I really value having both Hannah and Kendra in my circle. 

For these Christmas photos, I drove my whole flash setup with me to Hannah and Rob’s apartment. It can definitely seem like a lot, but the sharpness and vibrance in the photos make it all worth it. Another year of beautiful holiday memories preserved forever!