Vancouver Portrait Photography // Stella is Back!

Stella is back, and she is adventuring harder than ever! 

These photos are from a trip Shane and I took to the Sunshine Coast in November 2018. It was the Remembrance Day weekend, and I was just about to start my new position, which totally overwhelmed me for the first couple of months. So looking back at these photos is kind of like seeing the calm before the storm. Before I took the job I have now with the BC Federal Council, I was at a bit of a crossroads. I had two job offers at once (isn’t it always like that, when it rains it pours). On one hand, I had a job where the pay was higher, and it was a nice stable place to go work (basically, the kind of job you think of, when you think of government work). On the other hand, I had this not particularly well-paying job, but one that seemed so interesting, with a manager who seemed to be on a similar page with me, who was excited about the unique skills I could bring to the position (like my photography), and who promised me some great connections. 

Definitely a head vs. heart decision, and I luckily I have watched enough Disney movies and romcoms to know which one is the right answer, and here I am a year and a half later working for the BCFC, building the kind of career and work-life balance in the public sector that I didn’t think was possible. Good decision making Nadya, pat on the back for you. 

Anywho, back to Stella. On this trip we watched her go to ballet class, and it was just as adorable as you’d imagine to see a bunch of small children all dressed up in their tutus, taking ballet moves very seriously. Later that day when we got home, Stella got tired of always being the photography subject, and insisted that I let her try and use my camera, which she had to hold up on her knees because it was so heavy. But at 3 years old, she was using a DSLR, and learning how to frame her subject and focus and shoot. As an auntie, I am pleased as punch with this development. The ballet flats is her photograph.