Vancouver Portrait Photography // Downtown with Marie // Part 2

Here comes part two of my photoshoot with Marie! This set had so many photos I loved, so I had to split it into two. One of the things that really makes these photos stand out for me is Marie’s amazing style. I don’t know how she does it, but she has the ability to put things together into stunning looks that I would never in a million years conceive of. She is the queen of thrift stores, and is always finding such unique pieces. I’ve gone thrift shopping with her before, and it is a real treat. 

Marie has a keen understanding of her body, and how to pose. She is so comfortable in front of the camera, that all I have to do is show up and shoot, and we make some awesome stuff together. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship, because I get all these shots I love, and she gets new quality photos for her social media (and perhaps a dating app or two). Pro tip: photos like these work way better than a mirror selfie or a group shot you awkwardly cropped your friends out of. 

Vancouver is constantly in a state of construction right now, and it was fun walking around and searching out good spots to shoot. Some of the things in the background of these photos are already gone actually, so this is a little bit of history preserved in a way.

It’s funny, I photograph a lot of different people, and some days I feel equal parts photographer and therapist. Something about being captured on film (or a memory card), makes people open up about their insecurities. I get where they are coming from; it’s hard to face head-on the things you wish were different about yourself. However, I also know that there will 100% come a day when each of those people will be grateful to have those photographs of them. It will take time, but they will see their own beauty one day. 

I love the wistful feeling of these photographs, especially the ones on the water. To me it’s Vancouver personified. 

Vancouver Portrait Photography // Downtown with Marie // Part 1

It’s honestly a wonder that this is the first time Marie is appearing on my blog, considering how much fun she is to shoot with. We have one of my favourite meeting stories, it’s almost a meetcute. In the summer of 2014, my friend Steph planned a Victoria girls weekend, and invited me, and her friend Marie. We were so excited to go, and had our hostel and everything booked. Unfortunately, a couple days before the weekend, Steph got really sick, and couldn’t go anymore. I was bummed, but feeling brave, I told her that if this Marie chick still wants to go, then I’ll go too. 

Turns out Marie was a magical unicorn of a person, and I am so glad we met. By the time we got off the ferry we were fast friends, and the friendship was quickly cemented at an Irish pub over copious amounts of Summersby cider. We had a great time exploring Victoria, making goofy inside jokes, and at some point even ended up inside Big Bad John’s with its peanut shell covered floor, which might have been poor decision making, considering Marie’s deathly peanut allergy. But she is still with us, so disaster was averted. Fast forward to today, and she is one of my bridesmaids. 

Marie is so plugged into the culture of Vancouver, and has brought me to some of my favourite concerts and events. She is also super down to see a band or a play or whatever else whenever I have a spare ticket, and I love her for it. We have done a lot of cool shit together over the years, including fringe shows, concerts at rickety East Van venues, Glam Slam (which is a whimsical combination of pro wrestling and burlesque, and you should definitely check it out if you haven’t been), and gothy dark 80s dance parties in a warehouse. 

Marie is incredibly fun to shoot with, and I am pleased to share this series I took of her in the fall in Vancouver. I love her look, and I just think we work so well together. Keep an eye open for a second part of this shoot. 

Vancouver Portrait Photography // Suzy Gets a Flower Skirt

Quick Instagram-inspired shoot with Suzy downtown Vancouver // Vancouver Portrait Photography


Suzy is a regular in my shoots and on my blog, and I love how much she loves taking photos, and how we are always coming up with fun new things to try. Recently, she came to me with some photos she found on Instagram of girls using forced perspective to make skirts for themselves out of flowers. I thought it was such a colourful and creative idea, and we decided to give it a try.

I am lucky to have a great flower shop I frequent downtown called Flower D’Amour, where the florist hooked me up with a couple of free flowers when I told him about our idea. Suzy and I wanted to find a location nearby, and I brought us to a small park across the street from Queen Elizabeth Theatre. If you’ve ever been there, you know it’s not much to look at. It’s tiny, surrounded by concrete buildings, and not the cleanest place, but that’s why I love photography, because with some creative positioning and depth of field, the photos, especially the ones of Suzy holding the flower with a blue background, look downright tropical.

I love how these photos turned out, they are cheerful, the colours pop, and I am excited to shoot more vibrant portraits!