Vancouver Portrait Photography // Andrey and Fiona Maternity Shoot

Another beautiful family on my blog today! Meet Fiona and Andrey (and future baby Theodore!)!

Andrey and I go way back. Our parents somehow knew each other back in Vladivostok in the 90s, and when my family immigrated to Canada in 2001, they were a huge part of our new community here. I was closest in age to Andrey’s younger brother Greg, and I’ve spent hundreds of hours at their house, playing board games and pool and MarioKart and neopets and runescape. 

We all really looked up to Andrey, he was the fascinating older kid. I remember there was a time where he got a job reviewing videogames for the local newspaper, and that meant he could get all the newest games for free, which basically made him the coolest person we knew. Plus he was always so quick and witty. 

At some point, many years ago, Andrey and Fiona found each other. And we are all so lucky that they did, because Fiona is an actual sunshine of a person. She is kind, thoughtful, creative, and so freaking funny. She sends beautiful Christmas cards, and bought me the best-smelling candle I have ever smelled (it’s clementine vanilla). 

Andrey and Fiona are both writers, and actually, the first ever Fringe Festival show was one of theirs. I don’t remember the title, but it was to do with Cthulhu and also a love story I think? In any case it was weird and whimsical,  staged in a small downtown Vancouver theatre, and it planted a lifelong love of the Fringe in my heart. Now I’m the person buying 10-packs of Fringe tickets every year. This past year, I saw a total of 12 shows. If you haven’t ever been, I highly recommend this brilliant festival. 

When Fiona and Andrey wanted to do a maternity photoshoot with me, I was so excited. I was even more excited when they told me they just wanted to have photos of them being their real, silly selves. We met in Pacific Spirit Park, and took advantage of the fall weather and scenery. Fiona, being the imaginative lady that she is, crafted wreaths for herself and Andrey to wear. After seeing them, I simply don’t know why every maternity photoshoot doesn’t have head wreaths.

What I remember the most from this shoot is how much we were all laughing. The wit, love, and creativity of this couple will make them amazing parents.

Vancouver Portrait Photography // Christine, Adam and Seymour: Family Photoshoot

First of all, full disclosure: I am obsessed with the cat you are currently looking at. His name is Seymour, and he is the best boy. He is not the cuddliest, but he is goofy and zoomy, and so curious and athletic, and just overall a 10/10 cat. 

He came into our lives about a year and a half ago, when, after posting a picture of the cutest kitten I have ever seen on her instagram, our tenant Christine approached us, and asked how we would feel about them getting a cat. I immediately asked if it was the one from the photo, and when she said yes, I looked at Shane with the biggest puppy dog eyes I could muster. Long story short, they got the cat. 

It took them a long time to come up with a perfect name, so in the meantime, we called him a wide variety of things, the best by far being Señor Black Balls (because he has huge black balls relative to his little cream-coloured cat body, in case that wasn’t clear). Even as a kitten, he was great at fetch. He has these yellow rubber balls, and he would go crazy chasing them, and then he would grab it in his mouth, and bring it right back to you. Never did teach him to put it in your hand. He was also really interested in shoes as a kitten? He would find a shoe and climb into it, and that was pretty freaking cute. 

It didn’t take long for him to make it clear that he did not appreciate being shut out from the top floor of the house, which turned us from tenants and landlords into roomies who shared a cat. I will say, Shane and I definitely lucked out on that deal, because we get all the cuteness with none of the litterbox. 

Seymour is obviously our favourite, but Adam and Christine are pretty cool too. Adam is the chillest guy I have ever met, and also a pro snowboarder who does crazy things on his board, and somehow makes it look easy. He also plays guitar, and as his upstairs neighbour, I am happy to say he is very good at it. Christine is a helicopter mechanic, which is badass as hell, and overall just a funny, kind, down to earth person. 

It’s been great living with them over the last couple years, and I simply had to take some family photos of them with Señor Black Balls while he was still small. The result is pure cuteness.

Vancouver Portrait Photography // Downtown with Marie // Part 2

Here comes part two of my photoshoot with Marie! This set had so many photos I loved, so I had to split it into two. One of the things that really makes these photos stand out for me is Marie’s amazing style. I don’t know how she does it, but she has the ability to put things together into stunning looks that I would never in a million years conceive of. She is the queen of thrift stores, and is always finding such unique pieces. I’ve gone thrift shopping with her before, and it is a real treat. 

Marie has a keen understanding of her body, and how to pose. She is so comfortable in front of the camera, that all I have to do is show up and shoot, and we make some awesome stuff together. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship, because I get all these shots I love, and she gets new quality photos for her social media (and perhaps a dating app or two). Pro tip: photos like these work way better than a mirror selfie or a group shot you awkwardly cropped your friends out of. 

Vancouver is constantly in a state of construction right now, and it was fun walking around and searching out good spots to shoot. Some of the things in the background of these photos are already gone actually, so this is a little bit of history preserved in a way.

It’s funny, I photograph a lot of different people, and some days I feel equal parts photographer and therapist. Something about being captured on film (or a memory card), makes people open up about their insecurities. I get where they are coming from; it’s hard to face head-on the things you wish were different about yourself. However, I also know that there will 100% come a day when each of those people will be grateful to have those photographs of them. It will take time, but they will see their own beauty one day. 

I love the wistful feeling of these photographs, especially the ones on the water. To me it’s Vancouver personified. 

Vancouver Portrait Photography // Granville Island Modelling

Ksenia models her new trenchcoat and Andrei drops in for a few couples photos // Vancouver Portrait Photography

I follow Ksenia on Instagram, and I remember when a couple of years ago she posted some photos of pillows and sleep masks she made and embroidered. I thought they were cute, and a fun side project, but I would have never predicted that she would grow a whole online clothing boutique. These days she designs and sells all kinds of clothes, from dresses, to PJs, to shorts, pants, blouses, and now she is selling trench coats! She brought one with her to Canada to photograph, and I thought Granville Island would make a great location.

Granville Island is my favourite part of Vancouver, I love the views, the market, the cute shops and cozy cafes, and all the street art and performers. It’s where I go when I need cheering up. I chose a few different spots to shoot with Ksenia in her trenchcoat, because Granville Island has no shortage of picturesque backdrops. The sun was setting, and we were making the most of that cool, purple light.

Ksenia is always dancing, which helps give the photos a light and candid vibe. It always cracked me up when she carefully brushed out and arranged her long tresses, referring to them as her “Instagram hair”.

Her husband Andrei is a huge jokester and could not stand idly by while Ksenia was getting all the attention, so he snuck in for a few shots, picking her up and twirling her around. I love the way their energy is so similar and they egg each other on. I loved photographing them, and I will love photographing you too. No matter if you are in a couple or happily single, let’s shoot some great photos!

Vancouver Portrait Photography // A Cross-British Columbia Honeymoon Trip

Portraits of the happy couple from around our beautiful province // Vancouver Portrait Photography


When my cousin Andrei and his wife Ksenia came to Canada, we knew that we wanted to show them more than just Vancouver. Shane and I love nothing more than a good road trip, and so I took some time off work, and we planned a cross-BC road trip that would highlight some of the beauty of our province. We set out from Peachland, and spent one night each in Revelstoke, Banff, and Nelson.

Revelstoke is a place I’ve been to a few times before, and I love how charming its main street is. This time I particularly enjoyed walking across the bridge over the Columbia River. We got a great deal at a fancy hotel, and enjoyed pumpkin pie (Ksenia’s favourite new Canadian treat) followed by a soak in the outdoor hot tub under the stars.

While driving to Banff, we experienced a gradual season change from fall to winter. Even though we were only in mid-September, as we were driving through the Rockies it began to snow, and we were all nervously wondering whether we brought anything warm enough for this sudden winter. It was beautiful to see the pines lightly dusted with snow, and walking through Banff felt almost like Christmas. I visited the Fairmont Banff Springs hotel for the first time, and it is a super old and absolutely magical place, reminiscent of Hogwarts. I enjoyed imagining what it would have been like to be a young woman spending my summers there many years ago.

I have never been to Nelson before, and this cute little town absolutely stole my heart. I don’t know exactly what it was about it, but somewhere between the scenery, the garlic-themed restaurant, the thrift shops and all the street art, I found myself completely smitten, and I hope we get a chance to visit again soon.

The photos in this set were taken in these towns or somewhere along the way, and you can see the love this couple feels for each other, combined with our breathtaking province. They may have not gotten an engagement photoshoot, but I think they will keep these honeymoon photos for a long, long time.

Vancouver Portrait Photography // Tunnel Portraits

Using natural light and a tunnel to create stunning portraits // Vancouver Portrait Photography


One of my favourite Okanagan activities is biking around the Myra Canyon. This area used to be part of the Kettle Valley Railway, built at the turn of the last century, and is now a walk/bike path right at the steep edge of the canyon. There are 18 trestle bridges, which are old timey and ornate and great to look at and photograph, and also two tunnels.

We brought my cousin and his wife here during our time in the Okanagan, and were delighted to see that although fall was in full swing, the bicycle rental shop was still open. The weather was doing some weird stuff, going from bright and sunny to instant rain, and the attendant was kind enough to provide us with yellow and red plastic ponchos so that we could enjoy our biking adventure without getting drenched.

As soon as I remembered that this bike ride goes through tunnels, I got so excited because some of my favourite photographs come from tunnels. I declared that on the ride back we have to stop and take photos there, and everyone reluctantly agreed, although I could tell they were confused. There was so much breathtaking scenery around, why would I want to take photos in a dark tunnel? Luckily I knew what I was doing, and when my companions saw the photos; the even light, the sharpness, the contrasting dark background, they understood why I was so excited. Lighting is everything in a photograph, and I love being able to use my surroundings to create high quality photographs. If you are looking for some great photographs of you or your loved ones, contact me today!

Vancouver Portrait Photography // Svetlana in Stanley Park

Soft autumn light portraits in Stanley Park with Svetlana // Vancouver Portrait Photography

I love photographing my mom. I think in part it is because I know growing up in the USSR in the 60s she only has a handful of photos from her whole childhood, and I now want to balance that out by photographing her as much as I can. But also, I just think my mom is beautiful, and I love being able to capture that in photos that she can keep forever.

For this shoot, we met downtown and then walked down to the Stanley Park seawall. The day was sunny, and we were blissfully happy to be surrounded by all the fall colours. Seeing all the yellows, oranges, and reds oranges sometimes leaves me in such awe that I don’t know what to do with myself.

I strategically used a tunnel to place Svetlana in the best light, creating contrast between the dark background and her evenly lit face. It’s always a fun challenge using what you have on hand to manipulate natural light and create flattering portraits.

The best thing about photographing your mom is how much patience she has for you while you are trying out new techniques (patience I’m sure she developed during my teenage years, sorry mom).

I love these shots, they feel warm, she has a real sparkle in her eyes, and it is so special to me to be able to take my mom and create images that she loves, that show her the way she sees herself, and I know she sends them to all of her friends to show off her new portraits.

Every person is worthy of excellent portraits, and I can’t wait to create yours.